Duff Leaver Inspections

N3405 Orchard Rd

Antigo, WI 54409



Single Family Homes (site built) finished square footage used for fee calculation. ( do not include garage, porches, decks and unfinished basement areas in the square footage calculation for the permit fee.)

Homes up to 1499 sq. ft……………………………………..$1000.00

1500-3000 sq. ft………………………………………………..$1200.00

3001 sq. ft. and up……………………………………………..$1200.00 plus 0.40 a sq. ft. over 3000 sq. ft.

Duplexes add $100 to above fees

Re-inspection fee……………………………………………….$65.00

Permit fees are non-refundable.

Construction, electrical, plumbing, energy, erosion control and HVAC included in above fees.


Payment  : Duff Leaver Inspections to the above address along with plans and required paperwork.